Monday, May 2, 2011


Please remember the May meeting will return us to the Science and Technology Building Room 150 at Hodges University. We look forward to seeing you there. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter and event invitations.


The Entrepreneur Society of Naples (ESON) is pleased to announce our speakers for the May 11, 2011 meeting.

Our first presenter will be Blake Kirkpatrick, JD, MA, Florida Bar Board Certified Attorney. His presentation will be “Establishing the Right Infrastructure for Your New Business”.

The second program, presented by Candace Rotolo of Point of View Writing and Media Solutions, will offer a “Media Boot Camp”.

“These speakers will offer insight into two critical areas of business structure and marketing for our members and guests. We are so excited to have such reputable speakers continue to offer insight into our programs.” states Kena Yoke, Executive Director of ESON.

The May “Tech Tip” will be “Discovering Hidden Information in the Deep Web” presented by Marcus Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. Internet Expert, Author, Keynote Speaker and Corporate Consultant.

The May Show and Tell will be “Smarter Flush Dual Flush Quick Connect” by Mel Kanar.