Thursday, March 31, 2011

ESON - Where Entrepreneurs Support Entrepreneurs and Their Businesses (Meets 2nd Wednesday of Every Month at Hodges University)

The next regularly scheduled meeting for the Entrepreneur Society of Naples (ESON) will be Wednesday March 9, 2011 at the Hodges University (Naples Campus), 2647 Professional Circle, Naples, FL 34119, Science and Technology Building Room 150 from 6:00pm - 8:30pm. NOTE MEETING TIME HAS CHANGED TO 6:00 PM.

The March 2011 Program will feature the first year celebration for ESON! Watch this site, our Facebook Fan Page and LinkedIn for continuing additional information!

This meeting will feature a Special Presentation on Contract Negotiations, Professional Headshots with Photographer Jennifer Ziegelmaier and the opportunity for networking with entrepreneurs, inventors, lawyers, investors, business representatives and friends.

Ted Farah, President of ESON states: “We are very excited to celebrate the Anniversary of ESON. The Founders set a vision for this group and to see it achieve such success after only one year speaks volumes for the founders, members and guests who benefit from our meetings.”

It is true that "creative people are made not born" (Science Digest), and the best reason to join the new Entrepreneur Society of Naples (ESON), where those with new patents, new ideas or a desire to be more creative will meet monthly to share their ideas with like-minding people. There will be Student, Business, Family and Personal Memberships available to receive the monthly ESON Newsletter and the right to present at the monthly meetings.

Guests will pay $10.00 at the door. Each meeting will feature a speaker on topics like: Getting a patent; launching a firm, marketing an idea, selling on the Internet or raising the money to open a store. The 20/30 minute talk will be followed by Q&A and another membership networking session at the end. Each meeting new members will introduce themselves briefly - 2 minute spiel - on why they are there and where they want to go with whatever they learn. ESON is aligned with the Ft. Myers Edison Inventors Association. Paid members of each club will have reciprocity privileges in the other club. Edison meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and ESON meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

The ESON President is Ted Farah an entrepreneur known nationally for his ability to fashion new ideas into viable businesses. Membership information and application is available by clicking here.

The initial ESON Newsletter V1N1 March 2010 is available by clicking here. and highlights the background of the four founders. The latest ESON Newsletter is available (V2N1 January 2011) by clicking here.