Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14, 2010 Entrepreneur Society of Naples Meeting

The April 14, 2010 meeting of the Entrepreneurial Society of Naples featured our guest speaker Edward M. Livingston, Esquire presenting Patents, Trademarks, Franchising and You. His discussion covered his thirty years of experience in patent law, licensing and marketing, trademarks/servicemarks, copyrights, trade secrets, domain name disputes, franchising and intellectual property litigation. Mr. Livingstom has obtained patents in deverse areas of technology, including medical devices, golfing, computer software and business methods. He has represented inventors and entrepreneurs and defended others in patent infringement lawsuits as well as acted as an expert witness in such cases. His article "Is Franchising Right For You and Your Business" is the featured article in ESON's V1N2 April 2010 Newsletter.

President Ted Farah presented Founding Board Member Dr. Gene Landrum for a short update to ESON members. Founding Board Member Marcus P. Zillman gave a brief online presentation of the blog and personal member site.

Comments and discussion followed by various members. The meeting then was moved to discussions in the various areas by the founding board members. Adjournment at 8:45pm. The second meeting was very well received with standing room only again!!