Wednesday, June 9, 2010
June 9, 2010 Meeting Entrepreneur Society of Naples
The June 9, 2010 meeting of the Entrepreneurial Society of Naples featured our guest speaker and cofounder Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. presenting Wonders of a Cloudy Web World for the Entrepreneur and described the many resources available for the entrepreneur available from the Internet. He also descibed the latest protocols for doing research and search and displayed a number of excellent resources. A complete list of his presentation resources is available from his blog, white papers or by clicking here. He was very well received with many many compliments from the highly motivated and positive audience of entrepreneurs. His article "Entrepreneur Resources in Cyberspace" is the featured article in ESON's V1N4 June 2010 Newsletter.
President Ted Farah discussed the latest happenings for ESON and some very exciting future opportunities including our 501c application. This was followed by the Show and Tell Segment featuring Entrepreneur Jimberly Kroenung, Owner/Creative Designer of The Life of Spice describing her excellent samplings that were well received by all attending.
Comments and discussion followed by various members. The meeting then was moved to discussions in the various areas by the founding board members. Adjournment at 8:30pm. The forth meeting was very well received with over 60 in attendance as we continue our exponential growth .... The new meeting facilities at Hodges University was very much appreciated to handle our growth.